Thursday, November 8, 2007


So, i don't normally dabble in politics. I don't like the anger that it can bring out in people, and i feel that people can sometimes become to blindsided about what others think that they can't properly think for themselves.

Today i was listening to talk radio.... and they were talking about an incident that happened this last week with Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton and her campaign managers, etc. were on the road and stopped in Ohio (or possibly Utah... i always get those two confused for some reason). Before stopping at a local diner, Hillary's campaign people warned this diner that they would be bringing Hillary and many other top notch people, so be prepared. Once at the diner, Hillary spoke to a waitress that worked there, and listened to her story. It was a normal story of a single mother of two who was having to work two jobs in order to properly feed and support her children that she loved so dearly. Hillary was so touched by this story, that later on in the day on her campaign trail she re-told this story of this women she met, focusing on the financial hardships that people in America sometimes have to go through in order to survive.

Because the manager of the diner knew ahead of time Hillary and her team were arriving, he decided to comp all of their meals. Very, very nice of him. Especially for the fact that Hillary probably comes in tow with 10+ people.

So where is the problem? Hillary, nor anyone else in her whole campaign, tipped ANYONE inside that diner. Their whole meal was comped, Hillary had been "touched" by this women's story of her hardships of not earning enough money, and THEY DIDN'T LEAVE A SINGLE PENNY.

I'm not going to say much more..... cause i'm sure you all can guess my opinion on this. But i wanted to share...... I'm not saying this will or won't make me vote for Hillary (i still have yet to declare who i would vote for) but i think small stories like this make a huge difference and really show a person's true character.

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