As i sit here in the student union at CSULB, i'm taking in deep breaths and trying to relax and focus on my Norton Anthology of English Literature. Fanny Fern talking about women and their existence as understood by men, Emerson talking about " The American Scholar" and Frederick Douglass bringing back terrible memories of growing up on a slave farm and the mistreatment of pure human beings by others. That all sounds so uplifting doesn't it? I always wonder why literature tends to be so depressing. Maybe happy literature would just be to boring. Then again, who was happy during 1820-1865?
Don't get me wrong, I love school and i treasure these moments of sitting with my regular ice blended mocha from Coffee Bean (along with it's perfectly paired blueberry muffin), in the Student Union. But has anyone ever really watched all the other students around them? I was watching others today and trying my best not to laugh. It's hilarious at some of the things that go on around you that you don't notice on a normal basis!
I have my American Lit. Professor sitting in front of me reading a self help book. This i find very interesting. I don't think he notices me in the corner though (thankfully). But i'll be seeing him in two hours for his wonderful midterm. To the other side of me, i have this girl who is loudly reciting her chemistry formulas out loud, and then softly cursing her book when she can't remember a certain formula. About 4 other students near by are completely knocked out in these amazingly comfy chairs the school provides. Some look like they are ready to fall off their chairs, and some have a combination of chairs so they can completely lay down. Two girls just walked behind me, and i swear the blonde said the word " like" about 11 times before walking 10 feet. ( Welcome to cal state long beach, lol)
I just love how odd students can be. We must look like a circus at times, talking to ourselves, cursing our books, falling asleep every chance we get, and more. But we all completely understand each other, because we are going through the same daily cycle of eat, study, eat, work, study, sleep. I think I've been reading to much literature .....
yay for spring break!!