The invitations have been ordered!!! yay!
Now back to reality after my wonderful spring break in Arizona with the family :(
but 6 more weeks of school left! ( i think)
Also, if you guys read Kevin and I's
wedding website, there are some updates on there too
Can i also praise the happiness that two smores flavored pop tarts can cause when eaten for breakfast? YUM. That pretty much sums up my spring break: pop tarts, 4 dogs, 1 cat and 1 hen, and Souplantation.
next on wedding lists:
-plan honeymoon
-get invitations addressed and out
-figure out all of our music
-meet with our florist to finalize things
- go over to our choices of registry and make sure those are all ready to be viewed :)
- figure out vows
-kevin's suit ... groomsmen
-get my dress altered and get my girl's dresses all together
- bachelortte and bachelor parties!!
ok this list is getting to long... and what's sad is i have a bunch more things to list.... i shall spare you all :)