Sidd is the new addition to our family :)
On our trip to Arizona for Christmas, my mom surprised me with a cat for my present. She knew I had wanted the company of an animal for a while now .... so she took it upon herself to fix that!

Sidd (which is short for Siddhartha) is an original Siamese breed (rather than those "new" Siamese cats that are bred for shows and such, the ones with the skinny faces and extra large ears). He was three months old when we got him, and he has already grown a ton. He is now a healthy 6 pound little dude and he will probably end up being pretty large once he grows up :)
So (since I am now obviously a proud mother) I will be keeping you guys posted with fun pictures and stories of the little guy.
Congrats, we've had two of them when I was younger, be prepared because they are filled with personality unlike any other breed of cat!
We are all missing that little kitty! He is so cute!!!!
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