So this post is completely late .... but with the crazy last few weeks of my life with finals, work, and more .... it had to come a tad late :) My B-Party was amazing. Although, i will never be able to party that hard in my life ever again, haha. It was definitely a " try to re-live the good ol' days" and most of us barely survived! Bridesmaid Nicole drove up from San Diego to my place in the LBC, and we then headed over to Bridesmaid Pam's home in Pasadena. I wasn't sure where we were going, so Pam was going to take us to our destination!
After a nice drive up the coast, i realized we were going to Santa Barbara. So Brittani, Pamela, Nicole and I stopped and went shopping for a bit, and then headed to the most amazing place ever: The Hacienda Motel in SB. This would be our place of residence for the weekend, and it was so classic and ghetto fabulous :) We loved it! haha Once we arrived, maid of honor Crystal showed up, and then bridesmaid Tiffany showed up ...... and we got ready for our first night of fun!

We then headed out to downtown Santa Barbara in our costumes. My costume was my hand made t-shirt from crystal that was glitter gel penned with " christie the bride" on it, and then on the back candies hanging from my fake veil. The veil kept falling throughout the night though so it slowly turned into a little chain around my neck and then a veil kite! haha. The girls wore little face masks with feathers on them, and we all had pins on us with nametags of made up names. ( we didn't want any stalkers that night!)
And then the night ended up with us getting some munchies at Dennys:

We were all pretty drunk at this point, having fun with our cups of water and straws ( as demonstrated by Crystal in the back). That's me collapsed over on the table, but Nicole and Tiff both look pretty sane to me!
I'll have another update in the chronicles of Christie's Bachlorette party to follow soon!