Friday, October 3, 2008

The Twilight Saga

Is anyone else reading the Twilight books? I am AMAZED at how good they are. So far, I've read the first two and I'm waiting for the third to be delivered in the mail from my Mom :) I didn't think I would find another group of books that would make me so happy after the whole Harry Potter ordeal, but so far these have been just as good .... if not better. Is anyone else reading these? I highly recommend them, I'm sure they are favored by the females more because of the love story aspect ...... but I think the guys will love 'em too :)


Sarah C. said...

Hey Christie, I am reading the Twilight Books. I am on the last one, and I have loved them all. I got sucked into the series because of the town it is set in. I have family that live in Forks and I have been there. It has been very cool to read these books and actually have been to some of the places. I have also read the Harry Potter series, right now Harry Potter is still my favorite of the two.

In case you didn't know, on Stephenie Meyer's website, she has release a partial draft of Midnight Sun, which is Twilight but from Edward's perspective. I have read the first chapter and I thought it was good.

Andrew C said...

Sarah is reading them. She's about done with Breaking Dawn. If you want to borrow it, I'll hold of selling it on