Friday, September 5, 2008

Love for NieNie

Within the last year, I have become a fan of an amazing blog called The NieNie Dialogues. My Mom had entered the "blog world" lately and has found some fun blogs to keep up with. I found Stephanie's blog because of this, and instantly became addicted. Stephanie is amazing: she is always putting up amazing and retro-feeling pictures, has fun stories of her family and herself, and it was just an addicting blog in general.

Last week, Stephanie and her Husband were in a plane crash, unfortunately killing the Pilot and badly burning both Steph and her Hubby. Stephanie's Sister made a post on Steph's blog .... telling the unfortunate story to all of NieNie's blog fans. This was such a sad story, and I found myself constantly checking the blog for more updates. Apparently I wasn't alone .... hundreds and hundreds of other blog visitors were leaving desperate messages on the site wanting more information and asking "How can we help?!"

Stephanie's blog was so wonderful that it has attracted SO many others to want to help and keep up with the progress of the family. Stephanie and her family would always release balloons into the sky to celebrate birthdays and such, and as a tribute to Stephanie and her Husband, millions of families across the U.S. and other countries are now releasing balloons into the air and filming it, sending the videos with love and prayers to the family. I can't even begin to go on more about all the other things people have come up with to help out, but to put it simply it has been so moving that it even caught the attention of The New York Times.

Stephanie and her Husband are thankfully pulling through all the surgeries, skin grafts, etc. Poor Stephanie's body was burned over 80% , but she has been pulling through and the Doctors are just thrilled and shocked at her progress. Her sister has been taking care of the children, and she has made her own blog to give daily updates to all of Stephanie's fans.

So I'm including a link to this story for you guys to go check this all out if you get a chance. This whole story has made me feel SO inspiried. I feel for this family so much, and I just have so much respect and love for them all. They have kept a stiff upper lip through all of this and you can just feel the love by reading these blogs and comments. It's a daily encouragement for me to read, and hopefully will become one for you too :)


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