So here I am, sitting at school waiting for my next class to begin. My first class got out within 10 minutes since we don't have our books yet.... so I had the pleasure of catching up on my Medium episodes while waiting the two hours before my next class, lol. So far, i'm already scared for this semester and I've only been to one class. My first class was English Grammar 320. Our teacher looks as if he is in his 70's, talks extremely slow ( class is 2 hours so this will be interesting) and told us that 40% of the students that take this class will either fail or drop out. Way to start the day!! haha. The book for this grammar class is an old grammar book that is about 4 x 6, and about 50 pages thick of old, dirty and used pages. Doesn't look like he has changed the books he uses for about 50 years, haha. So this will be interesting .... but I have to find a way to pass this class because it is required for my English Education BA. So good luck to me!
Now i'm off to " Theatre Today" and " Survey of American Literature"
Wish me luck! Sigh
Monday, January 28, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Update: What the heck... i just got an email saying that my order for these was canceled because they didn't have any more in stock, and they refunded my money. SIGH. I swear, it was to good to be true to find my wedding shoes for 14.99 from payless, haha. And especially the fact that they only had two sizes left and i was going to be getting the " last size 7 regular."
Updates from here... and there.....
Hi everyone :) So after finally recovering from the flu, I'm back in action and trying to enjoy my last week and a half before school starts. I'm so not looking forward to school ... why you might ask? Because I am taking the most insane classes ever: English Grammar, Shakespeare, Theory of Fiction and Film, and Survey of English Literature. Each one of these classes seems interesting and challenging, but all together: I'm going to go insane! So wish me luck :)
So Kev and I did our taste testing for the wedding! It ended up being pretty fun; it was about 60 other couples who were going to be married at the same location, and we all were sat at tables for two to enjoy our food. We helped ourselves to appetizers, had waiters pass appetizers around, then we helped ourselves to the main courses and the chocolate fountain for dessert. We found some things we really liked, and some we really didn't. The things we were looking the most forward to ended up being disappointments... but we were really happy with an herb stuffed chicken and the prime rib. We also fell in love with the baked potatoes, grilled vegetables and rosemary grilled potatoes. I tried coconut shrimp for the first time too.. and was amazed! So we have some fun choice to make coming up.... but whatever the dinners will end up being, they'll be good :) I'm hungry for them now.....
I've also been busy doing more stuff for my mom's business. We ended up putting her stuff up onto a website called Etsy. It's like an ebay for people who make their own products and would like to sell them. Her storefront is here if you would like to check it out. It's been fun, and it's a good way to put her business out there and get tips from other people like her and how to sell stuff, get the word out, etc. I've also made her a blog, which she wanted to get into. So if your still bored enough you can check that out here. She just needs to learn the lingo of blogs and such now :) Which will be funny to watch....
And on the wedding note, the bridesmaid dresses are in! I'm thrilled and want to go look at them now.... but that would be ridiculous and i'll have to wait till i get a bridesmaid with me, haha. I also ordered my wedding shoes...... i got them online though, so i'm crossing my fingers they look as good as they did online. And did i mention they were on clearance for $14.99 ?! SCORE! It was fun, the other day i went shopping with my friend Amanda who is also getting married this summer, and we went shopping for bridesmaid dresses for her wedding :) It was fun, we picked the dresses ( which are totally cute) and had our normal lunch at Super Mex. Tis the season for weddings! ( and stress? lol)
So Kev and I did our taste testing for the wedding! It ended up being pretty fun; it was about 60 other couples who were going to be married at the same location, and we all were sat at tables for two to enjoy our food. We helped ourselves to appetizers, had waiters pass appetizers around, then we helped ourselves to the main courses and the chocolate fountain for dessert. We found some things we really liked, and some we really didn't. The things we were looking the most forward to ended up being disappointments... but we were really happy with an herb stuffed chicken and the prime rib. We also fell in love with the baked potatoes, grilled vegetables and rosemary grilled potatoes. I tried coconut shrimp for the first time too.. and was amazed! So we have some fun choice to make coming up.... but whatever the dinners will end up being, they'll be good :) I'm hungry for them now.....
I've also been busy doing more stuff for my mom's business. We ended up putting her stuff up onto a website called Etsy. It's like an ebay for people who make their own products and would like to sell them. Her storefront is here if you would like to check it out. It's been fun, and it's a good way to put her business out there and get tips from other people like her and how to sell stuff, get the word out, etc. I've also made her a blog, which she wanted to get into. So if your still bored enough you can check that out here. She just needs to learn the lingo of blogs and such now :) Which will be funny to watch....
And on the wedding note, the bridesmaid dresses are in! I'm thrilled and want to go look at them now.... but that would be ridiculous and i'll have to wait till i get a bridesmaid with me, haha. I also ordered my wedding shoes...... i got them online though, so i'm crossing my fingers they look as good as they did online. And did i mention they were on clearance for $14.99 ?! SCORE! It was fun, the other day i went shopping with my friend Amanda who is also getting married this summer, and we went shopping for bridesmaid dresses for her wedding :) It was fun, we picked the dresses ( which are totally cute) and had our normal lunch at Super Mex. Tis the season for weddings! ( and stress? lol)
Monday, January 7, 2008
Kevin and I found out that we get to go this Thursday to the Equestrian Center ( our wedding site) to try out all the yummy foods to pick out for our wedding menu ...... this could either be really dangerous or really fun! Haha. Hopefully we find something we like, i'm very curious how they go about doing this. I have a mental image of Kev and I sitting at a table with 16 different mini plates in front of us with little ice cream scoop sizes of food, and then little rating cards for each one. Hm, I guess we'll see.
Any advice from anyone that has been through this? aka Nathan? haha
Any advice from anyone that has been through this? aka Nathan? haha
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Holiday Cheers bring on Holiday Colds
Once again, after all the fun of the holidays, I am sick. I apologize for no posts in the last few weeks, but they sure have been rough ones. I think i cursed myself by making a post about being happy and anxiety free a while back, because almost three weeks ago i was hit really hard with bad anxiety and insomnia. Fun! After struggling through those mentally hard times, i've learned how to have faith that I can and will become better once again, i just need to trust in things happening over time. Kevin has been a huge help also .... staying up late with me while I paced and being supportive, while also trying to crack me up with humor. So after all that " exciting" stuff..... i've now been hit with the flu massively! I haven't been this sick in a long time, and about 5 other coworkers are currently sick too...... calling out or being at work and spreading the joy of the flu. Unfortunately it's very hard for me to call out because i'm a Shift Lead, and there are very few others that could help take over my shift since they all have either worked that same day or have to many other hours. So yes, being sick and working around food and drinks = not a good idea. But i can't just leave them stranded either while we are changing management over and have no real support.
Kevin and I had some good times during the holidays though :) Even though i wasn't feeling well, we did a lot. Christmas morning we went over to Kevin's parents home and had our first Christmas with the nephew Sean :) He is to cute.... he is only almost 1 so he couldn't really comprehend all these presents he was receiving, but it was still just fun to give them to him. After that we went home, and Kevin's parents then came over Christmas night to have some dinner at our apartment; some nice classic taco salad!
A few days after Christmas, the apartment below us and to the right caught on fire. I got the emergency phone call from Kevin while I was at work to hurry home. I did, and to make a long story short everything ended up being okay. The man had left his stove on and left his apartment, therefore causing an electrical fire that had our stove even smoking from behind. We are now looking into renters insurance because that scared the crap out of us, not a fun thing to go through....
The next day Kevin, my brother and I drove to AZ to go be with my mom and stepfather and celebrate a late christmas there. We had a fun four days there with opening presents, playing new Wii games ( harry potter and mario galaxy) and having an outdoor block party bonfire. After our long drive home, we had new years to celebrate! We went to my friend ( and bridesmaid!) Pam's home in Pasadena to have some drinks and watch t.v. and relax. We were going to spend the night and then walk down to the Rose Parade the next morning, but around 2:30 AM my anxiety started to kick up and I trusted my instincts and told Kev we needed to go home, which he was fine with and supportive of.
So even though there was stress here and there, and i'm now sick, it was a good holiday time after all, and i'm ready to start this new year :) It's the year of the wedding! yay!
Kevin and I had some good times during the holidays though :) Even though i wasn't feeling well, we did a lot. Christmas morning we went over to Kevin's parents home and had our first Christmas with the nephew Sean :) He is to cute.... he is only almost 1 so he couldn't really comprehend all these presents he was receiving, but it was still just fun to give them to him. After that we went home, and Kevin's parents then came over Christmas night to have some dinner at our apartment; some nice classic taco salad!
A few days after Christmas, the apartment below us and to the right caught on fire. I got the emergency phone call from Kevin while I was at work to hurry home. I did, and to make a long story short everything ended up being okay. The man had left his stove on and left his apartment, therefore causing an electrical fire that had our stove even smoking from behind. We are now looking into renters insurance because that scared the crap out of us, not a fun thing to go through....
The next day Kevin, my brother and I drove to AZ to go be with my mom and stepfather and celebrate a late christmas there. We had a fun four days there with opening presents, playing new Wii games ( harry potter and mario galaxy) and having an outdoor block party bonfire. After our long drive home, we had new years to celebrate! We went to my friend ( and bridesmaid!) Pam's home in Pasadena to have some drinks and watch t.v. and relax. We were going to spend the night and then walk down to the Rose Parade the next morning, but around 2:30 AM my anxiety started to kick up and I trusted my instincts and told Kev we needed to go home, which he was fine with and supportive of.
So even though there was stress here and there, and i'm now sick, it was a good holiday time after all, and i'm ready to start this new year :) It's the year of the wedding! yay!
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