Herro everyone :)
Lots has been going on lately. The good, the bad, the ugly ... haha.
Unfortunately, my Uncle Jerry passed away on September 28th. We haven't been able to figure out the details, but it was something with his Pancreas. He was only 50 years old, and had never drank/smoked, was always active, and was currently helping his 13 year old daughter keep up with her Junior Olympic standing in Skiing. We are waiting on the toxicology reports to help us heal our hearts with all these feelings of unanswered questions and feelings. My Uncle Jerry was an amazing person, a talented man, and a man who loved to make others laugh. We had the funeral on Sunday, and talk about emotions. This was only my second funeral and it was really tough. I just really hope that I can keep up with the feeling I have currently of taking advantage of every minute of my life, kissing and hugging my Husband as much as possible, and trying to make my Uncle proud.
Sorry for the rambling, but I just feel like I can never say enough about him and this story, and that I just hope that you all will go hug your best friend, Husband, Wife, Daughter, Son, etc. and let them know how much you love them :)
Onto the fun news! I have decided to become a Foster Parent to animals from the local shelters! My application was approved, and I am going to an orientation this Saturday. Basically, whenever a shelter has a animal(s) that are in need of constant attention, they will call me to come pick them up and I can keep them for some time until they are better and ready to be adopted. My job will consist of giving them love, a home for the time, helping them with any medications,etc. This will be a tough one though, with all the love and joy I will gain from this experience, I'm sure I will be getting some animals that have been abused or that just might not make it in the end, but at least I will know they were loved and taken care of in their last few days. So I'm sure I will be posting pictures and stories of the animals I receive so you can hear their stories and see how things work out! Wish me luck :)
Otherwise, everything else is normal and okay. Kevin is doing his same ol' routine with working a bunch. I'm going to school 4 days a week, working at the 'bucks, and now trying to spend as much time as possible with my Aunt and Cousin and helping them through this time :)
love you all, and HUGE hugs sent your way